After painting the Sikh below, I had an idea of converting the bust to a Sikh Pirate from the 17th century, as this would not need much in the way of converting facially or need much doing to the Turban, 99% of the converting would be done to the torso/shoulders, so to show the opulence and quality of materials and braiding applied to the various garments that were stolen and worn by such pirates, I decided to create the main flat materials from magisculp with texturing applied and the braiding from various thicknesses of lead, copper and fuse wire.
Hi Dave
I like this. The bust offers a lot of great potential with different subjects; both fantasy and historical.
brilliant piece of work - where can I get one ready painted??
Thanks Ross, you will have to give it a go
Hi Bal
its unfortunately a One off conversion of a commercial bust from JMD Miniatures
Yes but so many pieces so little time!
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